News is anything that helps us plan our lives using the most up to date information available to the public. The is especially true for the financial markets- good information helps us make good investment decisions. It is for this very reason that dictatorial governments wind up allowing information from the outside world in- because they themselves want to make the best investments possible and some of that news trickles out into the public.
As Americans we have gotten used to having the most up-to-date news 24 hours a day. This convenience no longer exists for us. It used to be a joke that CNN was also known as the Clinton News Network. Few saw the harm in a news network favoring one party over another. Just watch something else, like Fox. Sure, Fox had a stigma attached to it, but when planning one’s life, if you get the news that helps you steer a straight course, you stick with it. Then November 3 happened and our trusted friend Fox did the unimaginable. They took their trusted status and used it to attack us and our way of life by unfairly reporting the election results. How does a news network come back from betraying their base? Typically, they don’t. But Fox is either lucky or beholden to people like Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, Mark Levin and shows like The Five. These shows have provided a glimmer of hope to those of us who will not shut off our brains in order to get by- and have saved Fox from realizing the same fate as CNN- being a joke and a national disgrace.
I hope that by now, all of us conservatives and lovers of the truth have found alternatives for our news needs. Aside from the above mentioned individuals, and Fox news in general, there are new networks that provide news that is helpful to us. These include Newsmax and Real America’s Voice. I for one have a Real America’s Voice app on my phone. My go to news program is War Room: Pandemic with Steven K. Bannon. The show is hosted by Raheem Kassam, the editor-in-chief of the National Pulse, an online publication that I will touch on later.
For social media, we can use platforms like Gab, Gettr or Parler. Sadly, none provide a replacement for Facebook when it comes to sharing life experiences, but maybe one day when we have our country back, they will. Some of us are now in an “all politics, all the time” mode and have been since November 3, 2020.
Another go-to app is Telegram. There are a myriad of different channels where patriots are connecting to accomplish the mission of keeping our beautiful republic.
As for publications- news sources- that provide the kind of news we need to not only survive the current era, but to hone our attention on the issues and players who matter, in order that we can unravel the mess that the Democrats and their global elite partners have made. One of the best publications out there for this is the National Pulse. The National Pulse brought to the world’s attention the person of Peter Daszak, who was not only one of the key players in gain of function research- the very research responsible for the COVID 19 virus, but also the person chosen by the WHO to research the lab-leak theory. See a conflict of interest here? Yeah, it’s a big problem. Yuge, as Trump might like to say.
The National Pulse is also pursuing a number of leads on the relationships and money transfers between US journalist and politicians and the Chinese Communist Party. The relationships are many and create a dangerous environment for us to successfully pursue our God-given right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I recommend you visit their website, in case you already aren’t:
A few other websites I would recommend, again, in case you are looking for news to plan your life with, are:
I can justify each of these choices- quite easily and in not so many words. specifically via Darren Beattie- broke the story about “unindicted co-conspirators” involved in the January 6 Capitol breach. This story looks at the FBI’s involvement at that event as well as other operations where they used the same techniques to stage crimes in order to implicate non-FBI individuals in the crimes. In other words, the precent has been set and a fact pattern emerges that requires deeper examination.
The Epoch Times has one of the most comprehensive news sites I have seen. The publication includes sections on Opinion, Business, Science, Life, Mind and Body, Arts, Games as well as others. They have stories in 22 different languages- and include stories local to those countries.
Just the News provides a “dig in” feature on its stories that allow the reader to check the stories sources and decide for yourself how to interpret the information, should you want to do that.
And finally, the Gateway Pundit has breaking stories around the clock on issues that matter to conservatives- including the Arizona audit and other state audits- and many others. The Hoft brothers are working around the clock to get these stories out to the world.
This is my assessment of the new news environment. I look forward to hearing about yours!
The picture below is a picture of a PDF example of a National Pulse insert that people will be able to download and print to provide to friends, family or simply plant in places where you think people need expose to real news.
